Diperbarui 1 September 2010 oleh Dani Iswara
Accessibility is for everyone, even WordPress users. It is also known as semantic personal publishing platform. But, the use of title
attribute is redundant.
Title attribute in a link tag should be descriptive enough to help normal and difable–differently-abled–people. The title attribute is a place to put additional information. Because it only works on mouse hover. Mouse dependant. Not fully accessible.
If we have already a descriptive enough anchor text, do we need title attribute? Then put the same information as in anchor text? Duplicated information is useless.
Too bad, WordPress by default, still have many duplicated title attribute, automatically placed. There are some solutions. Try to remove some title attributes using plugin, edit manually, put it into theme’s function, or drop-off that feature and let users choose the opt-in. :)
Excellent readings:
- The Title Attribute – What is it good for? By Steve Faulkner (PacielloGroup.com), presented on Web Essentials 2005.
- Assistive Technology Users Test Title Attribute Access by Steve Faulkner (PacielloGroup.com) in 2005.
13 tanggapan untuk “Web accessibility and title attribute of WordPress blog”
Namun jika atribut title dihilangkan, apakah tidak akan mengurangi informasi? Apakah atribut title itu relatif, harus digunakan pada saat yg tepat?
dari sisi aksesibilitas Web, atribut title itu hanyalah tambahan informasi. Pengguna touch screen kan tidak bisa menikmati informasinya. Pun tidak semua screen reader mengaktifkan fitur pembacaan atribut title by default. Disarankan untuk tidak menempatkan informasi penting di atribut tersebut.
[…] title attributes? The fact, they are not fully accessible […]
[…] ‘title’ memang dipengaruhi tema/’theme’ dan bawaan mesin blog. Baca kembali Web accessibility and title attribute of WordPress blog. Reduplikasi percuma itu […]
[…] attribute is not fully accessible since it is mouse dependant. Only additional information should be placed inside the title […]
[…] dan daftar tulisan terkini. Ini memang kelemahan mesin blog WordPress. Silakan membaca kembali Web Accessibility and Title Attribute of WordPress (di Dani Iswara […]
Walah edit manual ? kudu bongkar lagi templatenya bli.
menggunakan plugins ? plugins apa bli Dani, sudah dicari-cari masih belum menemukannya juga :oops:
Pak Aldy,
sementara ya gitu itu. Kalau ada yang menemukan fungsi praktis untuk itu kayaknya enak. Tapi atribut title itu banyak terpakai di wp_list, wp_archive, dll. cmiiw
[…] Redundant title attribute (Dani Iswara .com) sounds bad for screen reader users. Additional information should be placed inside that element properly. Do not put an important information into it. The (fancy) tooltip is mouse dependant. Therefore, it is not fully accessible. Furthermore, the fact, title attribute usually has the same text as in anchor link. […]
[…] dengan target pengguna. Pemakaian unsur aksesibilitas berlebihan pun tidak dianjurkan. Misalnya pemakaian atribut title, 'fancy tool tip', tabindex, elemen semantik seperti strong dan em, elemen kuotasi […]
[…] elemen 'hover' memiliki ketergantungan akan keberadaan tetikus. Serupa juga halnya dengan atribut title yang tidak mudah diakses tanpa […]
[…] aksesibel/nyaman bagi pengguna pembaca layar komputer/'screen reader'. Silakan baca Web Accessibility & Title Attribute of WordPress Blog (Dani Iswara .com). Di WordPress, redundansi ini bisa diatasi dengan 'plugin'. Lumayan […]
[…] kronis karena sistem ‘core’ WorPress itu sendiri penyebabnya. Silakan membaca ‘Web accessibility and title attribute of WordPress blog‘ (Dani Iswara .com). Di WordPress, solusinya memakai ‘plugin’ sejenis […]