Web Accessibility

Web site accessibility misunderstandings

Diperbarui 30 Agustus 2010 oleh Dani Iswara

This unessential misunderstandings are inspired by Jared Smith writing on webaim.org blog titled The ADA and the Web: Concerns and Misconceptions. Information and Technical Assistance on Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is available under U.S. Department of Justice.

In some Indonesian weblogs, I found the same objections and statements often.

Questions and statements explained by Jared Smith on his post:

  • Why do I have to make my personal web site compliant?
  • People with disabilities do not use my site.
  • My content can’t be made accessible.
  • The web will go back to looking like 1990.
  • Why all the effort for so few people?
  • There is no economic benefit to being accessible.
  • Accessibility regulations will force me to close my small, online business.
  • I can’t just make my website accessible over night.
  • I shouldn’t have to hire a lawyer to make sure I’m compliant with thousands of pages of State and Federal regulations when I publish a web page?

Read the Slashdot story mentioned on Jared post also.

In general, I have answered some problems with these posts:

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