Web Usability

Recent Posts List and Your Posts Amount on Frontpage

Diperbarui 16 April 2010 oleh Dani Iswara

You have 5 latest posts showed on homepage or frontpage. Full style, not in an excerpt. There are 5 items on your recent posts list. Is it useless? That 5 links are already on the homepage. Redundancy links.

In this case, the recent posts list should contain more than 5 items. If you want to keep in 5, use summary or excerpt style.

6 tanggapan untuk “Recent Posts List and Your Posts Amount on Frontpage”

jika tidak harus memberi komentar, kan cukup baca konten penuhnya (jika tampil di laman)? Dengan asumsi halaman ‘posting’ memang membuka akses komentar.

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