Web Standards

Logical-Semantic Structure with CSS Naked Day 2010

Diperbarui 9 April 2010 oleh Dani Iswara

Some of them are still there. Back to the Plain Old Semantic HTML (POSH). Find the logical structure of Web document now.

What happened to the design?
To know more about why styles are disabled on this website, visit the Annual CSS Naked Day website for more information.

Where did my Design go?
The idea behind this event is to promote Web Standards. Plain and simple. This includes proper use of X/HTML, semantic markup, a good hierarchy structure, and of course, a good ‘ol play on words. It’s time to show off your <body>.

Famous Words.
This is a fun idea, fully in line with the reasons for creating CSS in the first place. While most designers are attracted by the extra presentational capabilities, saving HTML from becoming a presentational language was probably a more important motivation for most people who participated in the beginning.
HÃ¥kon Wium Lie.

Join us now! And see you next year!

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